Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Dad ! ! !

  • give me unconditional love
  • teach me about God's love for me
  • are a great provider
  • comfort me
  • you are genuine - you don't try to impress people or be someone else
  • take care of my physical needs
  • have fun with me
  • are a hard-worker but still know how to play and rest!!!
  • always make sure I am comfortable
  • are patient with me when I have a bad day
  • protect me
  • you always tuck me in at night...and then re-check me before you go to sleep
  • show me affection
  • teach me how to serve others
  • love my Mom
  • sing silly songs to me
  • feed me
  • always have our family's best interest in mind when making decisions
  • are the best example of a Dad


Saturday, June 20, 2009

I love the Looooooooooooooooons!

A great season so far......

The Loons win ninth straight game!

I went to a Loons game two nights in a row!!!

They played the Lansing Lugnuts and the Loons won both games - Thursday 6-1 and Friday 10-1.

They are having a GREAT season.

The above slideshow gives a few pictures taken at the game last night.

p.s. at mealtime we ask God if he would hold the rain back until after our outing at the game......he honored our request.....he cares about the little things too!!! PRAISE HIM!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My God-Filled Afternoon . . . .

Every once in a while, I have a difficult time with my mood....

irritable, fussy and cranky.

I know that is hard to believe....but it's true.

The last couple days have been like that for me.

My parents call me "Tiger Lily"

when I am like that....... with an emphasis on "Tiger"!

Today was a rainy day . . . . .which probably contributed to my bad mood - you know.....back pain, stiffness, etc.
My parents had made plans to drive about one hour west to visit a couple really neat friends that work for God at a Michigan Christian Camp called SpringHill Camps.
My mom attended a Ladies Retreat at this camp not too long ago and loved it!!! She wanted my Dad and I to see what a wonderful place God has placed in Evart, Michigan!!!

Our friends David and Mike gave us a tour of the camp. Our friends reserved a large "wheel-chair accessible" golf cart....with our umbrella.....they began giving us a guided tour of the camp. It wasn't long before the light "misty" rain increased and we turned around and finished the tour in our van!!

The property is BEAUTIFUL and the housing is creative and unique - log cabins, TP's, tents, airplanes, trains, chalets, tree-houses......The variety of activities available is riding, zip-lines, swimming, campfires, archery, just name a few. If you would like, you can learn more about SpringHill Camps....just (click here)

The above picture of my friend Mike and I was taken in the Founders House - a beautifully restored home on the 1,000+ acre camp. The entire place is AMAZING!!!

It was interesting that as soon as I arrived at SpringHill, my attitude changed. I had a fun time with our friends. I enjoyed seeing that beautiful camp that God is blessing. I even had a quiet, pleasant ride home. God turned things around for me today. My family saw God at work in central Michigan!!!!

The Tiger was Tamed!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Party Planners at work . . .

Taylor and I spent a fun afternoon together preparing for her Graduation Open House. Along with our Moms, we made dahlia-like pom-poms that we will hang from the porch and tent ceiling at her party.

I should mention that I took a really nice nap in the middle of the flower-making but I did get my hands on some of the tissue was great fun. Taylor's party will be in mid-July....we are praying for nice weather (no rain), a fun time and that all of our pre-planning will pay off as things just fall right into place. We are having as much fun planning and preparing as we will at the Open House. The pom-pom flowers will add a cheerful radiance to my friend's celebration....We make a great team!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Congratulations Friend ! ! !

My Friend, Taylor, graduated from High School today.
She is a very special person and has become a very special part of my life.

Taylor made special arrangements so that I had reserved seating in the handicap section of the gym with a chair on each side of me for my parents.

My parents are very proud of Taylor - she sets high goals for her life, is very responsible and mature and she shows me a lot of love. She plans to attend Albion College in the fall. My parents are honored to be her friend.

LOTS OF BLUE and a lot of PEOPLE!!!!

Isn't she pretty....

and just as pretty on the inside!!

you were right there....
in our hearts and in her hat!!!

Karen, thank you for sharing your
girl with us...we love your family and we always feel the genuine love that you have for us!! Thank you for including us in this very special celebration in your life.