Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My God-Filled Afternoon . . . .

Every once in a while, I have a difficult time with my mood....

irritable, fussy and cranky.

I know that is hard to believe....but it's true.

The last couple days have been like that for me.

My parents call me "Tiger Lily"

when I am like that....... with an emphasis on "Tiger"!

Today was a rainy day . . . . .which probably contributed to my bad mood - you know.....back pain, stiffness, etc.
My parents had made plans to drive about one hour west to visit a couple really neat friends that work for God at a Michigan Christian Camp called SpringHill Camps.
My mom attended a Ladies Retreat at this camp not too long ago and loved it!!! She wanted my Dad and I to see what a wonderful place God has placed in Evart, Michigan!!!

Our friends David and Mike gave us a tour of the camp. Our friends reserved a large "wheel-chair accessible" golf cart....with our umbrella.....they began giving us a guided tour of the camp. It wasn't long before the light "misty" rain increased and we turned around and finished the tour in our van!!

The property is BEAUTIFUL and the housing is creative and unique - log cabins, TP's, tents, airplanes, trains, chalets, tree-houses......The variety of activities available is riding, zip-lines, swimming, campfires, archery, just name a few. If you would like, you can learn more about SpringHill Camps....just (click here)

The above picture of my friend Mike and I was taken in the Founders House - a beautifully restored home on the 1,000+ acre camp. The entire place is AMAZING!!!

It was interesting that as soon as I arrived at SpringHill, my attitude changed. I had a fun time with our friends. I enjoyed seeing that beautiful camp that God is blessing. I even had a quiet, pleasant ride home. God turned things around for me today. My family saw God at work in central Michigan!!!!

The Tiger was Tamed!!!!


phyllis said...

Glad you are feeling better --gram knows about that stiff back when it`s raining.It hurts!
It was a great day for you-glad you had fun.

MyOhMy said...

We would be very interested in FAMILY CAMP - looks like a great place to connect with family and God :)

Lindsey's Mom said...

Aunt S - You probably noticed that there is a family camp held on Labor Day this year. Your family would love that!!! G & J would really love all the outdoor fun!!! It is a wonderful God-centered fun-filled camp. We pray that you will be able to go as a family!!! Love you - Lindsey