Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Dad ! ! !

  • give me unconditional love
  • teach me about God's love for me
  • are a great provider
  • comfort me
  • you are genuine - you don't try to impress people or be someone else
  • take care of my physical needs
  • have fun with me
  • are a hard-worker but still know how to play and rest!!!
  • always make sure I am comfortable
  • are patient with me when I have a bad day
  • protect me
  • you always tuck me in at night...and then re-check me before you go to sleep
  • show me affection
  • teach me how to serve others
  • love my Mom
  • sing silly songs to me
  • feed me
  • always have our family's best interest in mind when making decisions
  • are the best example of a Dad



phyllis said...

I agree Lindsey--you picked a good one.

MyOhMy said...

so sweet