Friday, December 18, 2009

25 Years of Celebrating Christmas....
As we prepare to celebrate my 25th Christmas, my family took a look back....25 years is a big year and it was sweet to look back at all of my Christmas celebrations. Hope you enjoy how I have changed over the years. My family and I would like to wish you all a

VERY Merry Christmas

as you celebrate the

greatest gift of all - the gift of Jesus!!


Nancy said...

Wow! I just love all your Christmas photos. I especially like the one with the red bow in your hair where you're on Dad's lap.

Hope you had a wonderful time on your latest disney trip!

MyOhMy said...

Lindsey, that made me cry (in a good way) you are such a blessing. Thank you for sharing this slide show. The music was perfect and your smiling face was ADORABLE. I can't believe how much you've grown over the years. It fun to look back; you are such a beautiful lady. We love you so very much. I pray that you have a blessed and wonderful Christmas. Give your Mom and Dad a hug from us ( I know you will ;) Love you!

Lynette said...

Such cute pictures... you have really grown up...

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Lindsey! I loved the slideshow. You Always brighten my day with that big smile of yours! Hope to see you soon.

Love, Taylor

Beck said...

Absolutely priceless!