Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My First Day of the Last Year of School . . . .

Today, I started school again... my last first day!!

This picture was taken
on my first day of school - my
first bus ride - 1987 - wrapped in the baby quilt made by my Aunt Pam (p.s. to Aunt Pam..I still use that quilt!)

The school district wouldn't let Mom ride with me
so she followed the bus all the way to school and back home again....needless to say there were tears!!!
I started with 3 half days of school each week at Age 3.

This picture was taken this morning as I loaded the bus to begin my last year. I've grown a little and matured a lot!!!!

Mom is handling the separation a lot better these days! Mom and Dad miss me but they enjoy their time together!

23 years of school and a lot of bus rides
Different bus drivers, different schools, several teachers,
para-professionals and therapists that have brought me to this point.

This picture was taken during the time that I attended Seibert Elementary....one of the few pictures we have with me wearing glasses.....obviously I don't need them!!!

I had a very good day and I am looking forward to a WONDERFUL year!!!


phyllis said...

Was`nt it good day , Lindsey? I know you love spending the day with KAREN.
Now you have a whole year to think about what`s happening next year!

Lindsey's Mom said...

Thanks Grandma...you helped my Mom and Dad a lot in those early "Hard" years of school. We couldn't have done it wihout you!!!! I love you

Beck said...

Love the old pics!