Sunday, November 15, 2009

I have been signing "Jesus" all week long for my Uncle Jeff......

I don't use a lot of sign language.....I basically have two hand signs that I use.

1) is my famous wave...if you know know what I am referring to

2) I put my left index finger in the palm of my right hand - my sign for when I am -praying to Jesus - worshiping my Savior.

This week, my finger has been in the palm of my hand almost continually. I am praying for my Uncle Jeff. Last Monday, his wife, Aunt Bernie died unexpectedly while visiting her daughter in Florida. Her funeral is today.

Uncle Jeff: I don't know if you ever get a chance to see this blog but if you are reading this ....I want you to know that I love you and I am asking Jesus to fill the huge hole in your heart. You show me a lot of love and I want you to know that I love you too!!!

1 comment:

phyllis said...

I love your waves--like queen Elizabeth--and the way you talk to Jesus.