Sunday, November 16, 2008

The end of Fall . . . signs of Winter . . . a Successful Hunt . . .

It is snowing at my house today - it melts pretty quickly because the ground is not frozen yet.

Most of the trees in our yard have dropped their leaves so it's looking a little gray. The worst part about this time of year is that "you-know-who" makes me bundle up - with a hat and gloves ! ! ! It doesn't me very happy.

Notice the white spots on the deck? SNOW - If you click on the picture to the right - to get a closer look, you can see that one flake on the right is shaped like a star or a flower with 6 petals - I hope your computer can display the different shapes and sizes - isn't God amazing!!!!

It's a big project to get the leaves raked off the grass before the snow falls. We rake most of them into the street and the city picks them up. This week will be the last round of leaf collection. I guess I'm lucky that I don't have to help with that!!!! We have 5 pear trees in our front yard that hold on to their leaves . . . .

They give us fall colors until after Thanksgiving.

My Dad left on Friday night to go to Deer Camp. He had one inch of snow on the ground Sunday morning where he is hunting. The hunt was successful!!! At 9:00 am on opening day he called to tell us that he got a 7 point buck. (one point is small so it might technically be a 6 point). I haven't seen it yet but he is pleased and continues to hunt until he fills all his tags. I guess we'll have meat for the freezer. For the sake of my friend Nancy G. and others who don't like to think about or talk about hunting, I decided not to include a picture. Dad will gladly show you one if you ask!!!

One season ending another beginning - we are praying for lots of snow for early December. My cousins live in the desert and they will be visiting us soon, they love it when they can experience Michigan snow. I'm dreaming of a White Christmas - if it's going to be gray, we might as well have snow to brighten things up a little.

Ready or Not . . . . . . Here it Comes . . . . .


MyOhMy said...

This is very exciting because it means that there might be a chance to see snow while we are there. I like the picture of you in the hat, love how Molly is in the background checking you out. I'm glad your dad is happy with his hunt and trip... his smile is one of my favs too!

Keeker said...

I know it doesn’t matter much but I think you look cute in that green scarf and hat. Troy and Levi are excited about your dads deer. You should of herd the echo when I was reading the blog aloud. I got to the part about the deer and you hear T say K got a deer then L repeated. They than ran to the computer to see pictures. Maybe they can see some later.

Keeker said...

Hey Lindsey I want to clear up my last comment. Troy was reading and says to me "What is this suspose to mean". What I was trying to say is I think you good in green. I'll leave it at that. sorry for sounding so rude

Love You

Nancy said...

Hey! You know me all too well. I skipped coming to your blog for the successful hunt post...but dropped in for the Thanksgiving one! But then I couldn't help but look at all the pretty fall pictures. Glad to hear you had a good dinner and are eating well!

Nancy G